Friday, 18 May 2012

All Religious People Are Insane. Talking snakes? Walking on water? Talking bushes? Voices from the sky?.. its all hocus pocus and full of shit. At least.. if you are going to follow a belief, try and all sing from the same hymn sheet and tell the same story too. When you guys preach religion.. you all have a difference of opinion and the story just don't add up right. Your date system is completely out. You reckon a man lived until he was 600 years old?. again.. are you insane to beleive that? You can't even come up with a good enough convincing story about your Jesus Christ and his crucifixion.. The Romans didn't want to crucify him.. it was your own people who decided that! on the basis of Blasphemy. But i will not get into that right now.. all i wanna say is.. Athiests don't start wars, Religious people do. Athiests haven't killed countless millions over a belief.. Religious people have. Athiests don't dick off kiddies.. Cathlotics do.. oo.. yeah.. they are religious as well. This, by the way.. is the start of my Blog where i am now going to put Religion in its place... down in the sewer where it belongs and should have been put years and years ago. Only Fact should survive time.. not lies and decite and Insane ideals.