Sunday, 6 December 2009

I'm a Celebrity, Get me outta here!

So, watching that gastly program on TV, (is there nothing else better to watch).. i looked closely at the actual "Set"... now, call me an old niave bastard... but isn't that "Jungle" just a slightly bit Un-Jungle Like????

Ok, look at it from my perspective...

How many Jungles have i gone to that has a convienent "Clearing" to use for an entire film crew, tents, tables, benches and anything else they might need?.... er nil.

How many jungles have i gone to that has no snakes, ants, tigers, or any other wildlife that doesn't come and go every five minuets?... er nil.

How many jungles have no humidity or rain showers on a regular basis?... er nil.

So, i watched on... and realized that it looks more like a forest or wood... maybe in the UK... done up to look like a "Jungle"... probably the whole damn set is fake and they aren't even in Australia or where ever it is they are supposed to be in.

So, Im a celebrity get me outta here?... why?... isn't it quite comfy in the BBC Studios with the spot lights and plastic leaves?

Or maybe... its filmed on the same location as the Big Brother House?... who knows... but a Jungle it is not.

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