Bede began his history of the world with 3952 BC
In their ceremonial or commemorative proceedings, Freemasons add
4000 years to the current Anno Domini calendar year and append
"Anno Lucis" ("Year of Light") to the year (i.e., 2010 AD = 6010 AL).
This alternative calendar era, which would designate 4000 BC as
"year zero", was created in the 18th century in deference to the
Hebrew calendar's era dating system and other ideas regarding the
year of creation at the time.
c. 4000 BC, Liangzhu culture in China.
c. 4000 BC, More than 100 dwellings surrounding a community center,
a cemetery and a kiln are built in Jiangzhai, near modern Xi'an, China.
Start of Naqada culture in Egypt.
Early Jōmon period begins on the islands of Japan.
Domestication of horses.
Plough in use.
Neolithic settlers begin to locate their communities at sites most easily defended,
near rivers, on plateaus, or in swamps. For additional protection, they also frequently
surround them with wooden walls, earth embankments and ditches.
Civilizations develop in the Mesopotamia/Fertile crescent region (around the location of modern day Iraq).
The first Korean civilization is founded around this era. According to myth, the founder is the
son of a god and a she-bear who turned into a human.
Clay pots and vats discovered at a sprawling cave system in southern Armenia
near the border with Iran shows signs of an organized effort to press and distill grapes during the Copper Age.
3600 - 2300 Yamna Culture
Norway - Germany - Turkey - S Russia
Started around West China and South Russia (North Middle East)
Possible ancestors of Vikings.
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