Thou art to observe first ye Moones age for yr working.
The best dayes are when ye [moon] is 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 or 14 dayes
old, as Salomon sayeth, and no other dayes are profitable &c.
| |
The seals of those 72 kings are to be made in Mettalls,
The cheefest King in |
1. Gold, silver, copper, tin, lead, mercury, copper + silver respectively. Noticeably absent is Mars (=iron). -Ed. |
These 72 kings are under the power of Amaymon, Corson, Ziminiar,
& Goap [Gaap] wch are kings ruling in ye 4
quarters East, West, North, & south, and are not to be called forth except
it be upon great occasions But Invoked & commanded to send such & such
spirit as are [is] under their rule and power, as is shewed in ye
following Invocations, or [rather] conjurations &c.
The chife [chief] kings may be bound from 9 to 12 of ye Clock at
noone & from 3 [5] till sunset. Marquizes may be bound from 3 of
ye Clock in ye after Noon till nine at night and from 9
at nt [night] till sunrising.
Dukes may be bound from sunrising till Noonday in clear weather. Prelates may be bound in any hour of the day. Knights may be bound from ye dawning of ye day till sunrising or from four of ye Clock till sunset. Presidents may be bound in any hour of ye day, Except Twilight, at Night, or [if] the king whome he is under, be also Invocated &c. Counts or Earles may be bound in any hour of the day so [if] it be in woods or any other place where Men resort Not, or where No Noise is &c. [111v is blank] [112r] [THE MAGICAL CIRCLE] | |
[The circle of Salomon is to be made nine feet across, & the
divine names are to be written around it, from Eheye
to Levanah.]
A figure of the Circlel [Circle] of Solomon [Salomon], that he made for
to preserve himselfe from The malice of those evill Spirits &c.
In the Mathers/Crowley edition the letters around the perimeter of
the circle are transcribed into Hebrew letters. "In English letters
they run thus, ... + Ehyeh Kether Metatron Chaioth Ha-Qadesh Rashith
Ha-Galgalim S.P.M (for 'Sphere of the Primum Mobile') +
Iah Chokmah Ratziel Auphanim Masloth S.S.F. (for 'Sphere of the
Fixed Stars,' or S.Z. for 'Sphere of the Zodiac') + Iehovah Elohim
Binah Tzaphquiel Aralim Shabbathai S. (for 'Sphere') of Saturn + El
Chesed Tzadquiel Chaschmalim Tzedeq S. Jupiter + Elohim Gibor
Geburah Kamael Seraphim Madim S. of Mars + Iehovah Eloah Va-Da&aulm;th
Tiphereth Raphaël Malakim Shemesh S. of the Sun + Iehovah Tzabaoth
Netzach Haniel Elohim Nogah S. of Venus. + Elohim Tzabaoth Hod Michaël
Beni Elohim Kokav S. of Mercury + Shaddaï El Chai Iesod Gabriel
Cherubim Levanah S. of the Moon +."
This is based on Agrippa's scale of ten. |
[THE TRIANGLE][This is the forme of] The Triangle that Salomon commanded the disobedient spirits into; it is to be made two foot [feet] of [out] from the Circle and 3 foot [feet] over [across].[112v] | |
Solomons sexangled [hexagonal] ffigure |
Compare with version found in de Abano:
The Pentagonall ffigure of Solomon[113r] [The Ring of Salomon]This Ring is to be held before the face of the Exorcist to preserve him from The stinking fumes of spirits &c.The Secret Seal of Salomon.by which he bound and sealed up the aforsaid spirits with their legions in [into] a Brazen Vesel &c.[113v] | |
The fforme of the brasse vessel that Salomon shut Those spirits In. |
In Hebrew letters may be transcribed as: (front:) "AShR AHIH: GBRiAL: MIKAL: HANIAL:" (back:) "ARARIThA: ChShMLIM: AL: TzDQIAL:" Mathers gives the following variant found 'in some Codices:' "ARARIThA: RFAL: KMAL: TzDQIAL:" and "TzFQIAL" |
The other materialls is [are] a sceptre or sword; a miter or cap, a long white Robe of Linnen, with shoes and other Clothes for ye purpose also a girdle of Lyons skin 3 Inches broad, with all the names about it as is about the uttermost round [part of the] Circle, & also perfumes and a chafin [chafing] dish of Charcoles kindled to put the fumes into; to smoke or perfume yee place appointed for action. also annoynting oyles to anoynt yr Temples & Eyes wth; & fair water to wash yrselves in. & in so doeing yu are to say as david said (viz) | |
Thou shalt purge me wth Hysop o Lord, & I shall be cleane; Thou shalt wash me & I shall be whiter than snow &c. |
This text from Psalm 50.9 is used in the Mass as well as virtually every grimoire. |
& at ye Garments putting on, you must say:
by ye figurative Mystery of these holy vestures or vestments, I will cloath me with ye armour of Salvation in ye strength of ye highest, Ancor Amacor Amides Theodonias Anitor, That my desired End may be Efected Through ye strength [of] Adonay To whome ye praise and glory will forever & ever belong. Amen. |
This oration also occurs widely in magical texts. The version in the Heptameron is almost identical, and indeed the version in Goetia was probably based directly on de Abano. Compare also with the version in Liber Iuratus Honorii and that in Ars Notoria. |
After yu have so done, make prayers to God according to your
worke, as Salomon hath commanded. The formes that Salomon used for any
perticular art is shewed in ye 5th part of this Book
wch is called Artem Novam [Ars Nova] &c.
The Conjuration for to call forth any of the forsaid spiritsI Invocate and conjure you spirit N. & being wth power armed from ye supreame Majesty, I throughly [thoroughly] command you by Beralanensis [Beralanensis], Baldachiensis, Paumachiæ & Apologiæ-Sedes and ye most powerfull princes Genio Liachidi ministers of ye Tartarean seat, Cheefe princes of of [sic] ye seat of Apologia, in ye Ninth Region; I exorcise & powerfully command you spirit N, in and by him that said ye word, & it was done, and by all ye holy and most glorious Names of ye most holy and true God, and by these his most holy Names Adonai [Adonay], El, Elohim, Elohe, Zebeoth [Zebaoth], Elion [Elyon], Escerchie ^Eskerie, Jah, Tetragrammaton Saday That you forthwth appear and shew yrselves here unto me before this Circle, in a fair and humane shape, without any deformity or ugly shew and without delay, doe ye come, from all parts of ye world to make & make [sic] rationall answares unto all Things wch I shall ask of you; and come yee peacebly, visibly and afably without delay, manifesting wt I desire, being conjured by ye Name [Names] of ye Eternall liveing and true God Helioren I conjure you by ye especiall and true Name of your God that ye owe obediance unto and by ye Name of yr king, wch beareth rule over you, That forthwith you come without Tarring [tarrying], and fullfill my desires, and command, and persist unto ye End, & according to my Intentions and I conjure yu by him ^by whome all Creatures are obediant [unto] and by this ineffeble name Tetragrammaton Jehovah [Jehova], wch being heard, ye Elements are overthrown; The aire is shaken, The sea runneth back, The fire is quenched, The Earth Trembleth and all ye hosts of Celestialls, Terrestialls [terrestrials] & Infernalls doe Tremble, and are troubled and confounded togather. that [come] you visibly and affebly, speak unto me with a Clear voice Intelligible, and without any ambiguity, Therefore come ye in the Name Adonay Zebeoth [Zebaoth]; Adonay [Adonay], Amiorent, com com why stay [tarryieth] you? hasten: Adonay Saday, the Kinge of kings commandeth you: |
Compare Heptameron:
BERALANENSIS, Baldachiensis, Paumachia, and Apologia Sedes, by the most mighty kings and powers, and the most powerful princes, genii, Liachidæ, ministers of the Tartarean seat, chief prince of the seat of Apologia, in the ninth legion, I invoke you, and by invocating, conjure you; and being armed with power from the supreme Majesty, I strongly command you, by Him who spoke and it was done, and to whom all creatures are obedient; and by this ineffable name, Tetragrammaton Jehovah, which being heard the elements are overthrown, the air is shaken, the sea runneth back, the fire is quenched, the earth trembles, and all the host of the celestials, and terrestrials, and infernals do tremble together, and are troubled and confounded: wherefore, forthwith and without delay, do you come from all parts of the world, and make rational answers unto all things I shall ask of you; and come ye peaceably, visibly and affably now, without delay, manifesting what we desire, being conjured by the name of the living and true God, Helioren, and fulfil our commands, and persist unto the end, and according to our intentions, visibly and affably speaking unto us with a clear voice, intelligible, and without any ambiguity. |
Say this as often as you please. And if they com not then
say as ffolloweth.
[The Second Conjuration] | |
I Invocate, conjure and command you spirit N, to appear and shew yrselfe visibly to me, before this Circle, in fair and comly shape, without any deformity or Tortuosity, by ye Name & in ye name Y & U wch Adam heard & spoake, & by the name Joth wch Jacob heard from ye angel wrestling with him, and was delivered from ye hands of Esau his Brother; and by ye name of God Agla, wch Lot heard and was saved with his family; and by ye name Anaphexaton [114v] wch Aron [Aaron] heard and speak [spake] and became wise, & by the names Schemes-Amathia which Joshua called upon and ye sun stood still, and by ye name Emanuel wch ye 3 Children Sedrach Mesach [Masach] and Abednego, sung in ye midst of ye fiery furnace, and were delivered; and by the name Alpha & Omega which Daniel named & Destroyed the Bell [Bel] & ye Dragon; & by the name Zebaoth which Moses named & all the Rivers & waters in the land of Ægypt ware turnd into blood & by the name Escerchie Oriston, wch Moses named & all the Rivers Brought forth froggs, & they went into ye houses of ye Egyptians, Distroying all things; & by the name Elion wch Moses called upon & there was great haile, such as never was [seen] sence the Creation of the world to that Day; & by the name Adonay wch Moses named And there came up Locust Thrueout all the land of Egypt and devoured all that the Haill at left; and by the name Hagios, and by the seal [*seat] of Adonay and by Otheos, Iscyros, Athenatos; Paracletus and by these holly and sacred names Agla, On, Tetragrammaton and by the dreadfull Judgement of god; and by the uncertaine sea of glass: which is before the face of the divine Majesty, who is mighty and most powerful. And by the four beasts before the throne, haveing Eyes before and behind, and by the ffire round about the throwne, and by the holly angells of heaven; and by the Mighty Wisdom of god, & by the seal of Baldachia, and by this name Primeumaton which Moses named and the Earth opened and swallowed up Chora, Dathan & Abiram, [I command] That you make true and faithfull answers, to all my demands, and to performe all my desiers, so farr as in office you are capaple [capable] to performe therefore come ye paecable [peaceably], vissible and affable now without delay, to manifest what I desire speaking with a perfect and clear voyce, Intelligible unto my understanding &c. |
Compare Heptameron: "I adjure and call you all forth, by the seat of Adonay, and by Hagios, O Theos, Iscyros, Athanatos; Paracletus, Alpha & Omega, and by these three secret names: Agla, On, Tetragrammaton, that you at once fulfill what I desire." |
if [somehow] they do not come at the rehearsing of these 2 fforegoeing
Conjurations (but without doubt they [normally] will) say one [on] as
ffolloweth, it being a constraint.
[The Constraint]I conjure the [thee] spirit N. by all the most glorious and Effacius [efficacious] names of the most great and Incomprehensible Lord god of Host [Hosts], that you comest quickly without delay ffrom all parts and places of the world: [wherever thou mayest be,] to make rationell answers to my demands and that visible and affably speakeing with a voice Intellegible to my understanding as aforesaid, I conjure and constrain you spirit N., by all aforesaid and by these seven names by wch wise Salomon bound thee and thy fellows in a vessel of Brass. Adonay, Prerai Tetragrammaton; Anephexeton [Anaphexeton], Inessenfatall, Pathatumon, & Itemon. That you appeare hear before this Circle, to fullfill my will in all things, that shall seeme good unto me and if you be disobedient and refuse to come I will in the power and by the power of the name of ye supream and Everliving god, Who created both you and me and all the whole world in six days and what is contained in it Eye-Saray, and by the power [115r] of his name Primeumaton; which commandeth the whole hoste of heaven, curse you and deprive you, from all your office, Joy & place, and binde you in the debth [depth] of ye Bottomless pit There to remaine unto the day of the last Judgement, and I will bind you into Eternall fire & into the lake of fire and Brimstone, unless you come forthwith and appeare heere before this Circle to doe my will in all things. Therefore com [thou!] in and by these holly names Adonay, Zebeoth [Zebaoth], Adonay, Amiorem; come yee, Adonay commandeth you. If you come so farr, and he yet doth not appeare you may be sure he is sent to some other place by his king, and cannot come and if it be so Invocate the king as followeth to send him, But if he doth not come still, Then you may be sure he is bound in chains in hell: and he is not in the Custody of his king: So if you have a desier to call him ffrom thence, you must rehearse the spirits Chaine &c. For to Invocate the Kinge say as ffolloweth -O you great mighty and Powerfull kinge Amaymon, who beareth rule by the power of thy supreame god El over all spirits both superior and Inferiour of the Infernal order in the Dominion of the Earth [East], I invocate and command you by the especial and truest name of your god and by god that you worship and obey, and by the seal of ye Creation, & by the most mighty & powerfull name of god Jehovah Tetragrammaton, who cast you ought [out] of heaven with all other of the Infernall spirits and by all ye most powerfull and great names of god who created heaven, Earth & hell, and all things contained in them, and by their power and vertue, & by ye name Primeumaton who commandeth the whole host of heaven, that you cause, enforce & compell N. to come unto me hear before this Circle in a fair & comely forme, without doeing any harme to me or any other Creature, and to answere truely & faithfull to all my Requests, That I may accomplish my will and desiers, in knowing or obtaining any matter or thing wch by office you know is proper for him to performe or to accomplish, threw [through] the power of god El who createth and disposeth of all things both celestiall, ayerall [aerial], Terrestiall [terrestrial] and Infernall. After you have Invocated the king in this manner twise or thrice over, then conjure ye spirit you would have calld forth by the aforsaid conjurations rehearsing them severall times together, and he will come without doubt if not at ye first or second time rehearsing. But if he doth not come, add the spirits Chaine to the end of ye afforsaid Conjuration and he will be forced to come even if he be Bound in chains: for the chaines will break of [off] from him and he will be at liberty &c. [115v] The generall Curse, called the spirits Chaine against all spirits that Rebell.O thou wicked and disobedient spirit, because thou hast rebelled and not obeyed nor regarded my words which I have rehearsed They being all most glorious and Incomprehensible names of ye true god Maker and creator of you and me and all the world, I by the power of those names wch no creature is able to resist doe curse you into the debts [! depths] of ye Bottomless Pitt, There to remaine untill ye day of doom in chaines of fire and Brimstone unquenchable, unless you dost forthwith appear before this circle in This Triangle When you have read so farr and he doth not come, Then write his name and seal in [on] virgins parch [parchment] and put it into a black Box with Brimstone aquafateda [assafoetida] and such things that have a stincking strong smell and bind the Box round with a wire and hang it on ye swords point and hold it over the fire of Charcoles, and say to the fire first [as followeth] (it being placed toward that quarter the spirit is to come) [The Conjuration of the fire]I conjureIf he cometh not yet, say as followeth: [The curse]Now o thou spirit N. since thou art still pertonalius [pernicious] and disobedient and will not appeare unto me to answer to such things as I shoulde have desiered of you or would have been satisfied in &c, I doe in the name and by the power and dignity of the omnipotent Immortall Lord god of host Jehovah Tetragrammaton, The only creator of heaven Earth and hell and all that in them is who is the marvellious disposser of all things both visible and Invisible Curse you and deprive you from all your offices Joy and place and do bind the [thee] in the debtts [depths] of ye Bottomless Pitt, There to remaine untill the day of the last Judgement; I say into the lake of Fire & Brimstone which is prepared for all rebellious disobedient obstinate & pertinacious [pernicious] spirits, let all the [116r] Holy company of heaven curse thee, The Here the Exorcist must put the box into the fire and by and by he will come. But as soone as he is come quickly quench the fire that the Box is in and make a sweet perfume and give him a kind entertainment shewing him the pentacle that is at ye bottom of ye vesture covered with linnen cloath, saying. | |
[The address unto the spirit upon his coming]Behold your conclusion if you be disobedient. Behold the Pentacle of Salomon which I have brought heare before thy presence: Behold the person of the Exorcist who is called Octinomos, in the midst of the Exorcism, who is armed by god & without fear, who potently invocateth you and called you to appeare, Therefore make rationall answers to my demands and be obedient to me your master in the name of ye Lord Bathat rushing upon Abrac Abeor coming upon Aberer. |
Compare Heptameron:
Behold your conclusion if you refuse to be obedient;... and the following, which actually occurs earlier in Heptameron: Behold the pentacle of Solomon, which I have brought into your presence; behold the person of the exorcist in the middle of the exorcism, who is armed by God, without fear, and well provided, who potently invocateth and calleth you by exorcising; come, therefore, with speed, by the virtue of these names; Aye Saraye, Aye Saraye; defer not to come, by the eternal names of the living and true God, Eloy, Archima, Rabur, and by the pentacle of Solomon here present, which powerfully reigns over you; and by the virtue of the celestial spirits, your lords; and by the person of the exorcist, in the middle of the exorcism: being conjured, make haste and come, and yield obedience to your master, who is called Octinomos. |
Then they or he will be obedient and bid you ask what you will for they are subjected by god to fullfill your desiers and demands, and when they or he are appeared and shewed themselves humble and meek, Then you are to say [as followeth]: | |
[The welcome unto the spirit] | |
Welcom [thou] [spirit N. or] spirits or most noble king or kings I say you are welcome unto me because I called you through him who created both heaven & Earth & Hell and all that is contained therein and you have obeyed allso by the same power that I called you forth [by] I binde you that you remaine affably and vissibly hear before this circle (or before this circle in this |
Compare Heptameron:
Welcome spirits, or most noble princes, because I have called you through Him to whom every knee doth bow, both of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; in whose hands are all the kingdoms of kings, neither is there any able to contradict his Majesty. Wherefore, I bind you, that you remain affable and visible before this circle, so long and so constant; neither shall you depart without my licence, until you have truly and without any fallacy performed my will, by virtue of his power who hath set the sea her bounds, beyond which it cannot pass, nor go beyond the law of his providence, viz. of the Most High God, Lord, and King, who hath created all things. Amen. |
The licence to departO Thou spirit N. Because thou hast very dilligently answered my demands and was ready and willing to come at my first call I doe hear licence thee to depart unto thy proper place without doeing any Injury or danger to any man or beast depart I say and be ever reddy to come at my call being duly Exorcised and conjured by ye sacred rites of Magicke. I charge thee to withdraw peacebly and quiet1y, and the peace of God be ever continued between me and the [thee]. Amen. After you have given the spirit licence [to depart] you are not to go out of ye Circle till they be gone and you have made prayers unto god ffor the great blessing he hath bestowed upon you in granting you your desiers and delivering you from the malice of the Enemy the devill. [116v] Nota [Note] you may command these spirits into the Brazen vessell as you doe into the Triangle saying That you forthwith appeare before this Circle in this vessell of Brasse in a faire and comely shape &c as is shewed before in the forgoing Conjurations &c. |
Monday, 5 May 2014
Lemegeton Goetia 2
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