Sunday, 29 November 2009

Hoodies (Continued)

So, you can some how spot what level of danger you are in... but what if its too late for that?

Fact... (no matter what the Police say) 99% of guns on the street are FAKE. Toys... BB Guns, Plastic.... Yep... you heard it right. Just think... how in the hell is that 12 year old gonna shoot a Glock hand gun with ONE hand?!... duh!... the kick back alone will probably break his wrist... also... a hand gun loaded is actually quiet heavy to hold still... especially by a kid... Also, a hand gun is about £200 to £700 in cash... and ammo is just about the same again...

So, the chances are... its a fake... the holder won't even know how to hold it, load it or shoot it if its a real one... UNLESS you are walking through a well known gang land war zone where actual shootings do take place... (which is the 1% are real)... if you are in a Shooting Free area and a kid with a Smith and Wesson comes up to you... i'd put money on its a fake, and would grab it off him and slap him... (ok, don't do that)

Guns... ok... so, many of you don't know a real one from a fake... here is a few pointers....

Shiny guns are the work of Hollywood or some hand cannon worth more than your car... if he pulls a nice chrome finished one... its a toy... Guns are dull things... only cowboys in Vegas have gold finished ones.

The hole at the end of the pipe thing... called a Nossel. a 9mm hand gun with a 12mm hole... is a fake... Toys makers tend to make their guns.. with slightly exaggerated parts... (mainly so the Armed Police can tell the difference if he is looking down the barrel of one in a siege)... the barrel hole is too big.. or too small... or has a screw shaft in the middle of it (so the gun will not fall apart)... or, it looks obviously plastic. If the Gun looks too big for the holder (in the case of the Toy Magnum .45... its about one and a half times as big as a real life one)... it probably is a fake... hand guns are small, not the size of baseball mitts. (only guns like Magnum .45's or some Russian hand guns are large... the Walther PPK for instance is only about 15 cms long!)

Is it an Automatic or revolver?... is it Square looking or does it look round? (the general shape)...

Square looking is Automatic or Semi Automatic... look to its side... closest to the guys / kids face... is the lever up or down at the back?... if its up, then the Safety catch (the thing that allows or disallows it to fire) is off... usually a red dot will be visible if its ready to fire... and if its down... no red dot... its safety is on and cannot fire.

Does the barrel size look the same as say... a cigarette width?... or a pencil? or does it look like a bolt size or a thick fountain pen size? ... Small holes (about half a cm or smaller... its a BB Gun or Cap Gun... a Toy. If its bigger than a centimeter... more like 12 to 15 mm.. its a Toy... they don't make ammunition for hand guns that big... if it looks about 1 cm... it could be real.

Revolvers... look at the revolving barrel at the back... either side of his thumb and fingers... just after his hand going away from him... see those "Holes"... is there anything in them? ... maybe bronze in colour?... or are they empty?... or are they filled in? or is there a cover hiding the "Holes"?

If there be Bronze in the holes... its more than likely real
If there is emptiness... its unloaded or fake
If there is a plastic or something, covering the "Barrel"... its fake.

Does the Gun look old enough to be an antique?... it probably is, and is an ornament.
Does the Gun look rusty and in disrepair?.. it will more than likely back fire if its real.
Does the gun look metal or plastic?... plastic... toy... metal... mmm could be real?
Is there an exit port... a rectangle on its side away from his body (right hand side)? ... If not.. its a toy... if so... could be real.

So, just a snippet of gun recognition there... If you can't see it... and the guy is waving it about like some unprofessional kid... ie... not holding it with both hands and slightly leaning forwards... its a toy... or the holder is amateur and will do more self harm than harm to you.

Knives... Blades of mercy!

So... Knife attack? huh?

Ok... did you know that 90% odd of people who were stabbed... didn't even know they were until they were told about it or until they got home?

Being stabbed is like being pinched. it isn't this painful thing... it's like being punched in the ribs or the kidneys... the pain is from the punch rather than the stab.

99% of knife attacks happen over 2 meters within 2 seconds. (the attacker can cover 2 meters in 2 seconds with a single thrust).

Most knife attacks are done with a small knife rather than a big knife... but it only takes 3 cms of penetration to kill you.

Men stab upwards once ... women stab downwards with many attempts .. in 99% of the time.

There are more knives on the streets in the hands of kids than there are drugs dens in the whole of the UK.

So, What do you do????

Ok, so you have 3 maybe 5 attackers in front of you. Unless you are some kind of pervert who deserves to be slaughtered... you can guarantee only one of them will use a knife... the rest are just on-lookers in their sick game.

The "Stabber" will be the guy in front... the guys at the sides are to stop you running away. This situation usually is met with a demand for you hand bag, wallet, mobile phone, money first... if you don't hand them over... you get the blade.

Do what they tell you... just concentrate on observing facial features, clothing colours, skin colour, tattoos, accents.... forget your personal possessions... you got insurance for that... not for a police man telling your partner and kids that you were stabbed over a £20 pound note and a Nokia phone.

So, you got one guy beating you up and his mates behind in some bar fight that's now spewed onto the street... no cops arrived yet... the "Stabber" is more than likely the man behind you. It will be a stab to the kidneys and it will leave you almost fatally wounded.

In the fight... try and get the "Mates" in front of you, between you and the fist throwing brawler. Play dirty, and grab his testicles and stick thumbs in his eyes... then... get away... fast!... his mates will spend a few moments seeing to their fallen comrade before taking off after you. Get to the nearest pub door way, shop, CCTV camera, Group of bystanders.... Shout "He has a knife!" (even though you don't know if he has or not)... soon... eye witnesses will be everywhere... and the chances of being stabbed is reduced to 10% or below. You may get a beating... but you won't get a stabbing.

So, you are alone in the town center, every where is shut and you are trying to reach a taxi on your mobile, you spot a couple of hoodies walking up behind you... The "Stabber" will more than likely be the one with his hand in his pocket, or the one with the hand around his back. Not the one going wide looking over his shoulder and down the street. He is the "Look-out" the "Stabber" is the one focusing on you and you alone. (trance like state).

Escape... if you can... run fast don't look back. Get to a crowded area, CCTV sight, Shop, Bar, even a Taxi rank, Population is the saviour. People don't stab other people in public unless its personal, drug fueled, racial.. or you know the attacker.

If its personal... ie, you know full well why he'd wanna stab you... your best option is to get an object between you and the attacker and wait it out for help to arrive... use a shopping trolley, park bench, dustbin lid, wall, tree, lamp post... anything... eye contact... watch his moves... and avoid... you can keep it going all night if you really concentrated... Talking him out of it is hopeless... he isn't a diplomat when he has a knife and wants to hurt you in this situation.

Drug Fueled... this guy is going to be desperate, quick and emotionless. He sees one goal... stab you, get the loot, run. Treat as a "Personal" attack... with his motivation... talking is useless... avoiding and escaping is best defence.

Racial... So much anger in this one... acting mainly on adrenaline... once he failed a few times he will more than likely run away. He will more than likely come up to you saying racial hatred names... N words, P words, B words... or he will sneak up from behind and attack... usually going for the lower back or the neck. Best chance of escape... public places... this guy will out run you. They only pick on the weak... and they are only interested in showing you who is more dominant.

You know the attacker... more than likely this is going to be in your own home... best place to go... bath room... or toilet. if you can get out of the house.. do so. if you can grab the phone, do so. when in the bathroom sit down... put your feet against the door and back against the wall or something solid... he will try and kick the door in... but your feet will act as a brace and prevent access for some time... ring police... be calm... and get help.

Knife attacks usually happen quickly and are over in seconds. They are not a Hollywood style Chain saw massacre style attack... If you are stabbed... try not to panic... control your breathing. the faster you breathe... the faster your heart will beat.... the faster you will loose blood.

If your attack leaves straight away... (more than likely they will)... can you move?... if you can... get to someplace where other humans exist fast... use all your energy... a house, a shop, a telephone booth, a busy street, main road. Staying put and crying is losing valuable energy and time. Your adrenaline levels will make sure you can make it... or get to a CCTV area... get in front of a camera and draw attention... even if you are really desperate... get to a car in a quiet street and break the window... the car alarm will get the owner out and they will see you... "I been stabbed" is usually a good thing to scream out now.

Bleeding wounds can kill in minuets... arteries in seconds... that's all you have of getting someplace public... before shock kicks in and you loose consciousness.

If you can... apply direct pressure to the wound and raise the limb above your head... it will slow the bleeding... and seek medical help asap.

Additional to all that, The best advice is to find out more on staying safe at your local police station... and stay safe. Do a first Aid Course and avoid the areas where knife crime happen. Buy an attack alarm and most importantly...

Shout "Fire" not "Rape"... people tend to come running when they hear "Fire".

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