Sunday, 29 November 2009

Hoodies... New Age Outlaws

We've all seen them, The Hooded young person on the street corner. Most of us fear them, some of us aren't so affected.

So, whats the story?... Right... First of all... What is a "Hoodie"?

A Hoodie is a person who is intent on causeing crime, fear, thuggary, violence, menace and trouble to any unsuspecting innocent person who comes across thier path, or so they make us believe... It's known as a culture of gangs, urban warfare, kids hanging around on street corners... up to no good.

But, is there really a cause to fear them, or to hate them?

Look, I lived in an area you could call "Plagued" by the Hoodie. I worked in a place which drew attention to gangs of youth (A Hostel), I was (believe it or not) a Police Officer... with a sworn duty to rid the streets of these menaces to society. I was once a Prison Officer who had to look after these tear aways at night. I have worked in the field of care where i came in direct contact with these young terrors.

If you are wondering why i am no longer a part of the front line fighters of these beings... its simple... Hours and Hours of effort... Little pay... No respect... Lots of Stress... Ask anyone who is involved in this kinda carear.. they all say the same thing.... No win battle

Sooo... I do have some degree of knowledge on the subject.

Well, there are a few types of "Hoodie" you must first know about. The first one is the simple... Bored Kid.

The Bored Kid, a young person with no where to "Hang out" with his friends. You see, all the play parks are littered with dirty needles, Criminals, thugs, muggers and dirty old men wanting to have his way with the little darlings. Some play parks are safe... but some person makes it thier duty to keep ringing the Police every 5 mins saying "Oooo they are up to no good, they are making a noise, they are frightening me!!!!"

So, the police turn up.. tell these kids who were only sat talking and doing nothing criminal... to er... move on! or else!... which creates a problem... they can't go there, so where do they go?... maybe the first place that has a bench and easy access to a shop or thier own homes... usually a Corner Convienece store or some public place... Which... makes the shop owner ring the police saying "Ooooo i am frightened, they are up to no good, they are turning my customers away...."

So, the police turn up... and tell them to move on, or else!... So where do they go?.. To ANOTHER place in town... to sit and talk and be kids....

Its a never ending cycle... and all along... they didn't even really break any laws!

The second "Hoodie" is the Thug.

These are young people who are in a "Gang" (ooo really hard! Really tough!) They see themselves as a pack of wild beasts... using numbers to spread fear... They sit in some location... usually referred to as thier "Ghetto"... and sit in wait... maybe doing drugs, drinking, smoking, swearing, being generally bored and really "Mafia" Style... (I think they forgot to actually look up the meaning of the word... thug... well... they sit and wait. Then, some unsuspecting victim comes along... talking on his mobile phone, or just wearing the "Wrong" fashion clothes... usually geeks... or, they are some poor kid at school who always gets picked on for some reason... Well... these Thugs see the target... and attack... usually by sneaking up and then not doing anything but surround the target.

Yep.. they surround the target.. then just simply "Take the Mick" out of them to try and raise the victims fear levels a little... Then its a 50/50 choice... do they attack and steal his mobile... or just slap him and do a runner shouting obsenities????

Well.. that depends on the victim... his size, who he is, how old he is... and what he is wearing and what mobile he owns. 80% of the time, the victim actually knows these Thugs... weather it be in school or from the same street where they all live. Its surprising as the victim won't even tell the police who they are... the fear factor... thats why... so, 9 out of 10 times... if you are bigger or older or don't know them... you will only get looks.. or may be a word or two before you turn and watch them run away like terrified sheep.

The Third... The Mugger.

These are like the Thug in every respect... but there intention is not fear, its to steal, and get what ever you own away from you. As a pack.. they come in silent then attack and run away.

The Fourth... The Bully.

Its all about "Respect"... something that these kind don't understand... Respect is earned not issued at birth.

These type of Hoodies are only about beating people up. its a "Dare" thing... the bigger the victim, the more "Respect".. the harder it is to win.. and eventually they must beat the victim... the more respect... You only have to "Look" at these people... and that is just cause to attack you.

Usually you'd be walking by, minding your own business, and they's say something to you quietly... you will turn and look, to see if it was you they were talking to... and they would then shout "What you lookin at?!" "You startin!" "Oi, wanker, come on then!" ... or words to that effect... and they would then spread thier arms out wide and walk towards you... then wham! you are on the floor... and then the others will pile in and kick you to unconsciousness.... Stealing from you is just an after thought.

Fifth... The Addict.

These are probably the worst. They are addicted to drugs, alcohol, areasol cans.. or what ever they use to abuse themselves with... You... You are the "Pay day"

They see you as a means to getting drugs, by stealing your wallet, phone, car keys, credit cards, loose change... what ever they can get from you to fund thier habit. They tend to hang around cash machines, out side shops, clubs, anywhere where you will come out with money, goods, a mobile or what ever... they will either do one or two things....

Attack you NOW... as you unsuspectingly walk out of the shop with your hands full and handbag open, awaiting your purse to be slipped inside... it will be a fast attack... element of surprise... they will punch you if you don't let go, they will stab you even if you struggle


Attack LATER... they will follow you home, if you are walking... or wait for you to get to a nice sucluded dark alley way to attack you... away from heroes and by standers and possibly CCTV. The attack will be ruthless... maybe a kick to the head, a stab in the chest.. or a pepper spray in the eyes... to keep the attack secluded.

The Sixth... The Lone Ranger

These are the single "Hoodie" attackers... the one whose intention is more than likely rape, or just a random attack to vent his anger out on some one... usually a walk by attack... where it will be swift, or violent. usually in parks, or near parks, dark areas, not in the street.

The Seventh... Race Warriors

The group only numbering two or three... usually a white group attacking a ethnic minority couple... or an asian group taking revenge out on a white couple.. its all about race, causing fatal injuries... hate feuled by religion, beliefs and simply... "You were in the wrong place at the wrong time" ... For example, Asian neighbourhoods are not the place for unknown white folk after darkness... they may see you as a racist.... and an asian might not be welcome in a white populated estate anytime, unless you are known or are respected...

The Eighth... The Worst of the Rest...

The rest tend to be done out of peer pressure or some other mental illness or something... a wide range of reasons here, usually some external factor would contribute towards it... "You look like the boy who punched my brother last month..." whack!... only to find out you were not. as an example.

So, you have a better idea of the kinds of hoodies out there... they all have thier reasons, thier motives and thier own rules... so, what do you do about it?

Well for start... don't label them as the "Same"... they are not. Usually you can tell who are who and what they are up to... and to say they are all acting the same.. well, you haven't actually looked at them yet then have you?

Look at them firstly....

A Gang of kids, maybe 12 or so, sat on or around the bench, one has a bike, another is on a skate board... some are smoking, some are drinking coke-a-cola they are being loud and boisterous and are not looking at anyone in particular.

What kind are these? .... Easy.... Bored kids.

You won't get any trouble from them, just walk past and if they are in your way... say "Excuse me please" and they will move and maybe laugh or just say "Sorry"... simple. No need to call the police at all. If you just ask them.. they will do.

A gang of kids, maybe 5 sat on a park bench, wearing gloves and hoodies on a reasonably warm night. looking at everyone that walks past.. not really saying anything or being boisterous... they make eye contact with you and stare then start talking...

What kind are these?... Possibly either... The "Thug" or the "Bully" or the "Mugger"

So, Danger lurks. Look at yourself... who are you?... old lady? Teen with a mobile? A victim of bullying at school? A 300 Lb boxing Champ? Some idiot wearing £400 worth of designer trainers and cloths in a rough neighbourhood?

What are they doing now?

Walking towards you pretending to mind thier own business?... Get to a public place now... go find a home that looks like it has people in and bang on the door... get to a CCTV site and get attention of the Camera.... The chances are, you are going to be attacked.

Still sitting down and carrying on as normal?... you have a 50/50 chance of walking past with nothing more than a obsenity or a laugh or some comment being made... What ever you do, don't react... just walk towards the light, a busy street, a Camera, somewhere where they will be seen... and then get home...

Walking away from you? What is down that road?... a park? Trees? a street? Darkness?.. secluded location?... or just the main CCTV area of the city center?

If its a park, dark area, secluded location... change direction now... go the long way home, go back to the shop, go someplace else... don't risk it... its a set up for ambush...

If its just a normal busy area... drop back a little, and watch where they go... down an alley way ahead?... into the park? into the shadows? or just towards a shop... just be aware, if they look back, make a quick detour out of sight, or just simply keep walking.

Notice what they are wearing...

Is it summer and a nice evening and they wear gloves, hats, scarfs, and thick jackets?... strange... it must be too warm for all that?! ... that is not a fashion statement... its the tools of the criminal. Disguize to hide....

A common practise amongst criminal hoodies... is to wear about three layers of clothes...

1, to make them selves look bigger ... as a fear thing
2, to have a change of clothes so CCTV can't track them... the police are looking for someone in black jumper... and that black jumper has been "Changed" in mid run...
3, Concealing wepons... a base ball bat is actually kinda difficult to hide... believe it or not... layers of clothing helps.
4. Hiding alcohol or drugs... the cops might not search someone wearing 16 jackets with 36 pockets full of junk... even if there is a £50 heroin wrap in one of them.

So, look at what they are wearing... is it normal?

Are they covering thier face?...

To avoid being identified... they will try covering thier face so you won't get a good look at them... usually they only do this when they are close to attacking someone... if not... they need to look as normal as possible so the Police don't do a stop check and discover they are carrying an offensive weapon BEFORE they get a chance to use it.

To be Continued....

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