Ok, just a small disclaimer...
I am not against Religion, Believe in what ever you believe in, it doesn't bother me one bit. I am an Atheist and shall always be one, Science is the key... not blind luck and faith. So, remember this... its MY opinion and My issue, so don't try punishing me.
So, what do i want to say about religion?... The conspiracy's? The truth? or the down right cheek that they have?
Ok, so, I am and Atheist. I go by Science and Logic. I don't believe anything about God or some Davine intervention. But i do believe some of it.
Take the Bible, about 40% of it is true, no doubt. but 60% of it is exaggerated nonsense made to make the uneducated 2000 year ago human population believe that something is gonna wipe them out if they don't stop the anarchy of a lawless planet. Yes, that's right... The bible was written a long time ago.
So what happened a long time ago that is different from now?
Well to start with, we didn't have the society we do now, obviously. Pedophilia for example was actually ALLOWED back then in Rome. Homosexuality was common in public. There was no Tony Blair or the Government to say what goes and when. There was no speed cameras. The Politics were corrupt to suit who ever sat in the throne. And it was more like anarchy than order. The police were the Army, The government was the King. And the leaders where only interested in Murder and Money.
The world was a place where the poor died, the rich were fat, the army was the law, no one had a purpose apart from feeding their family and staying away from "criminals"
So, along came this man. A Jew, the King of the Jews, The best thing to a politician that can ever be 2000 odd years ago. A great talker, convincer and organizer. A man called Jesus. Born naturally after his parents had sex... not by some miracle conception as they make out. (Unless some one else was banging his mum without his dad knowing).
Well, along came this man, maybe even a teen, Who managed to get people to listen to him.... His intention, to bring organization and peace to chaos and anarchy.
But he couldn't just say.. "Hello, I'm Jesus... listen to me i know how we can be kind and all loving and peaceful to one another..." because no one would listen to him... nobody cared, nobody understood.
So, he recruited a few people to help him, people who had nothing else planned that year, and made them his disciples... and together... they made up this story about a high almighty all powerful and all revengeful against anyone who disobeyed.
Fear... yes that's right... Fear was what made it work... uneducated, unorganized, unemployed, unsettled, unacknowledged people closer to Neanderthals than our society today were forced into believing about a god.
Before, God was just an idol, a gold vase, or a statue put into a small room where the ruler... be it a King or Chief can use to make the people of his township obey him if ever he wanted them to do what ever....
Thousands of "Gods" ruled the people... look at Egypt, Vikings, Aztecs... they all had a God for each day of the week and a God for every action required to run an Empire.... If things went bad... God of hate was to blame... if things went good... The God of Love was the winner....
Even though it was all rubbish... a drought, a rain shower, a swarm of locusts are as natural as the wind and the freakin clouds in the sky... There were Gods of sunlight, Gods of moonlight.... And all the time, These "Gods" were the be all and end all to having an organized society.
With so many gods... and so many reasons for these gods.... people started to get confused... they started getting angry at the fact that there wasn't a god for simple things like "Running out of toilet roll"
And then there were gods that fought against other peoples gods... and soon... the real world struck... the Roman Empire.
War was the God now. War was the be all and end all of law, peace, hate, love, money, no money, life and death.
So... with all this going on... Jesus... wanted to make people change... so... naturally... a "God" was needed... a high almighty... a super powerful being to say yes or no or live or die.... So, he walked around and told people... simpletons...
"Hey... there is only one God... he is my dad... and i say do what ever i tell you or you will die in a fiery place called.. er... what shall we call it... ah yes... HELL!"
So... soon enough... these simpletons... started to believe... But soon... they shouted "We need Proof!"
A sin
"Er... um... yes... ask my disciple about the time i walked on water!.... yeah... no one actually witnessed it apart from my disciples and er... i bribed them to lie for me to make me out to be some magical being"
See the logic here?.... almost EVERY miracle that happened.... there was either NO witnesses... Only Witnesses that could be Bribed... or only witnesses that we so awe struck about the bull crap stories... (we'd call them Naive people) that they'd say anything.
No one with any credibility actually saw any of these miracles... and even then... what was a miracle back then which isn't one now?...
I mean, come off it... making a blind man see?... who was this blind man? who are his direct ascendants? who is alive today that is related to that blind man?...
Simply.... There is NO PROOF!...
Yes, yes yes... i know what you are thinking... We need not ask for Proof when God and Jesus is involved....
Yes we do...
So my take is... The bible is full of true stories... with a large portion of lies added on to make him look good.. and the only people who saw through that nonsense... were the Romans.
Now... the Romans were a big piece of evidence when it comes to staking my claim that Christianity is a load of nonsense.
When they wrote the bible.... It was written some 100 to 400 years after Jesus actually died... I don't know the actual amount of time... i just know it WAS NOT written in the life time of Jesus but AFTER he'd been dead for a few decades.
So, surely, that should be a big clue about its authenticity. It is like these Paleontologists writing about Dinosaurs.... about 99% of it is guess work!
Yeah, they have the bones... or so they say... but how in the hell do they know what was wrapped around them?... some say Reptile... some say Feathers... some say Human style skin... but they can only GUESS.
So, by that rationale.... they can only GUESS about what actually happened 100 odd years ago to Jesus time.
Classic case of Chinese Whispers... Remember that game... say something to one person and ask them to tell the next... and by the time it gets around 30 people... its totally wrong and incorrect to the original statement....
THE SAME AS THE BIBLE!.. so much word of mouth... how can they possibly get it 100% accurate????
For all you know.... Satan was the good guy and God was the bad guy!
For all you know.... Judas was actually protecting Jesus against Mary (who betrayed him)
You could actually be worshiping the wrong person and be so wrong that at the gates of heaven only Satan worshipers will be allowed in!
Anyways... second point of evidence... The Nicene Council.
The biggest book editors of the age.
The fact that the bible was written by so many people and put together for the Nicene Council to say what goes in and what stays out is a laughing matter.... Its a bit like saying.. Oh, that part of the truth can be binned... that lie can stay in!
If, IF the BIBLE was soooo important... why not put the whole 100% of its literature into it??????
I tell you why....
The parts that was missed out, shredded, left in the trash bin... or hidden and kept a secret to EVERYONE else... were more than probably the TRUTHFUL parts.... The REAL Bible... The REAL events...
The parts that were put in... were the LIES... The UNTRUTHS, The POLITICALLY CORRECT parts!
So, by that rationale... all you Religious people are following a 1st century book of bullshit and believing every word!
The ONLY true bible... is the ORIGINAL! I have to shout it because Christians are deaf when it comes to Logic and Truth on this matter.
So, where is this True Bible?.... Conspiracy says it's in the Vatican under Lock and Key... Why?... well... the Vatican is technically "Roman"... the very people who hated Jesus in the first place... The Vatican is the "Be all and End all of Religious power" at the moment....
Come on think about it.... The Pope says this... the Pope says that... The Pope is on TV... the Pope is all important... The pope meets US President... The Pope meets the Queen.... The Pope is the Vatican!
So... logic says... The Vatican is higher than The Christian Faith. The Romans are winning!
So... the Vatican... a place of conspiracy... Nazi conspiracy, Holding secrets like mmm maybe the entire population of Pedophiles home phone numbers... Come on... I have never seen so many Pedophiles in Red Velvet in one place when the last pope died!... Its a well known fact about its ideas of sex with young altar boys...
Soooo... why the Vatican? Well... The Rumor has it....
"He who holds the Real Bible and the Real secrets and the Real Truth about "God"... will be the Ruler of all"
Soooo... by that rationale... The Vatican has the real bible and knows the truth.
All together... i cannot understand why people are sooo naive about the whole thing... they totally disregard people telling them the logical science and facts about the whole thing... and they refuse to believe that Man... can Manipulate God's word... and Survive it. Man.. can interpret Gods word in the wrong way... and Man can make stupid naive people believe in something made up by the arch enemies of the person they are worshiping.
So... as a scientist and Logical person here....
This is my advice.... Stop following a book of lies... use your "God" to get the Real bible released.. let every one read it... and then see how many become religious and how many don't... then see if you are the ones in the right.
Until then.... Stop starting wars (99.9% of wars are started by religion of some degree) and start making love! (99.9% of Atheists have never started a war)Don't follow Politicians... (99.9% of politicians lie to us and start wars).., and follow Scientists (99.9% of scientists seek the Truth by Facts and not by hunches).
The only way... is no faith, no religion, only science.
Then there is the point of down right cheek... So, you are religious?... somewhere i would imagine it would have something to do with respect thy neighbour?... don't harass the guy with the machete?... stay away from other peoples lives and keep your opinions to yourself?...
Or does it say... annoy the f**k out of everyone who seem to not want to know about Jesus and all that malarkey...
Religion was supposed to be about good, peace, being kind, considerate, love, bright sunny walks in the woods... not winding up the people around you and force feeding non Christians the lies and scandals!...
At school... Religious Education... (i might sue for the years of abuse and torture)
When you are Young... Church on Sunday (I might definitely sue for making me so bored)
At the side of the A1... That sign must be removed... "Prepare to meet your God..." It is unsightly and can cause an accident seeing as its a distraction to the motorists.
"I swear to God and to the Queen...." in court... sorry... (this is actually what i said)... "I cannot do that as i do not believe in God, thus i could be accused of purgatory if i lie and be falsely burned at the stake for being blasphemous" ... or words to that effect... Swear to God... I don't think so... It'll be like me saying I swear to Gary Glitter to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth! It makes just as much meaning.
So, anyway... if i get stopped one more time by a Mormon in the street harassing me, or a Jehovah's Witness at my front door... Or a Christian trying to get money out of my for their "Cause" or a Roman Catholic telling me that "The Pope says this..." Or a Muslim crying out for respect or he'll bomb my home or a Goth saying Satan is gonna get me....
... Then that 99.9% of Atheists that don't start wars... is gonna be reduced!
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